2022: A Look At The Year Ahead

Happy new year!

We're only a couple of days into 2022, but we're keen to shift things into gear straight away, as the year ahead is chock-fulla experimental, narrative-heavy goodness for your playing pleasure. 

Here's three cool things you can expect from Superstring in 2022...


A little later this year, the full version of our natural language detective/puzzle game will be launching, and I'm incredibly excited to share more on what the full game holds.

Thanks to the work of the newly bolstered narrative design team, who have been beavering away on the project the second half of last year, the full game is now rich with mind-bending puzzles that fully embrace the ARG side of the game, pushing the game's story in exciting new directions. 

For those that haven't already, you can play the Prologue to the game today for free


2022 will also see the release of a new game - a smaller interim title that will sit between our second and third major releases. We will soon be offering an early look at the game ahead of release, with members of the Superstring Patreon given first dibs on checking it out, and sharing any thoughts. 

"What is this mystery game you've teased for months on end with no meaningful follow up!?", I hear you cry? All I'll say at this point is: the game is based around riddles. It's hard. And weird. And very nearly finished. 


The third full Superstring game is also spinning up in the background - at least in documents and pitch decks and the recesses of my sleep-deprived brain. It's our biggest project to date, and will require a significant step up in resource to pull off. More updates on this to follow over the course of the year... 

And that's just the things happening this year that we know and can talk about, of course. There’s plenty of other exciting things on the horizon for Superstring this year — sign up to the Superstring newsletter to hear more.

Thanks for reading, and I hope your 2022 is an absolute banger, too.
